Berita gembira buat anda!
Prudential memperkenalkan raider tambahan PRUclinic care yang akan membayar kos perubatan anda di klinik panel sehingga RM1,500 setahun
Apa yang anda dapat?
- Mudah - Klinik panel kami berada di seluruh Malaysia, anda pasti akan dapat klinik yang berhampiran dengan kawasan anda KLIK SINI untuk mencari klinik panel berdekatan
- Tanpa Bayaran - kunjungan ke klinik anda adalah tanpa bayaran dengan menggunakan kad ini
- Pulangan tinggi - Pruclinic care melindungi kos klinik panel anda sehingga RM1,500 setahun
- Bantuan 24 Jam - bantuan 24 jam dari pusat panggilan, 7 hari seminggu
Raider ini bagi tujuan penggunaan perkhidmatan klinik tanpa bayaran bagi orang yang diinsurankan seperti dalam polisi atau kad.
Jika berminat sila sms ke 010-2261434

What is PRUclinic care?
PRUclinic care is a regular premium
investment-linked medical rider which covers medical expenses incurred
at any of our panel general practitioner clinics.
- Great convenience – With so many panel clinics nationwide, you’ll always find a clinic near your area! Please click here to locate your nearest clinic.
- Cashless claims process – Making a claim has never been easier. Using this medical card, your visit to the panel clinic to completely cashless – no coinsurance or deductibles!
- High benefit amount – PRUclinic care covers your medical cost at any panel GP clinics for up to RM1,500 per year!
- 24-hour support – our dedicated call centre is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How can I take up PRUclinic care?
You can take up PRUclinic care when you purchase any of our PRUhealth or PRUflexi med plans.
How long is this benefit valid?
PRUclinic care will cover your clinical needs for two years. Premiums are payable throughout the duration of the plan.
Who can Apply?
This plan is for those who are aged between 1-60 years old next birthday.
How much premium do I need to pay?
Please refer to the table above for our affordable premiums!

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