Lately, I have one latest collection of my own. Haha…. If my beloved fiancé have his Collection of Harry Potter Series – which he adore it very much, I found myself got into the Stephanie Meyers 'hot' collection – The series of Edward Cullen+Isabella Swan Love Stories, The Twilight Saga. Before I realized how fascinating those books are, I just ignored it, until I watched the movie, then just I realized, how good the books are. So, I went to every bookstores, (which to my disappointment that all those books sold out), until I decide to give a try at Borders, ordered them and just get it after a month of waiting. How the books now have a total control of my life, until I couldn't realized that I hoped that I could be Isabella Swan (how childish!) I've been totally into this saga this few weeks. When I read those books… I just could feel the emotion of the character.
Credits for the author for her such amazing stories….
The Saga of Twilight

My Twiligth and New Moon – 1st & 2nd Saga, Bought on 11.01.09
Eclipse and Breaking Dawn – The 3rd & 4th (last) Saga, Bought on 17.01.09
I'm in my way of finishing the last books – Breaking Dawn.. Hope the ending is much above satisfied coz I really hoped that it has a happy ending………….
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